Free everyting has to be free!


People are constantly looking for free promotions from businesses and are no longer prepared to pay a fare price for things. We have appeared to embraced the 'something for nothing' culture  and are consequently (probably) destroying the fundamental laws of capitalism. If you can get everything for free then how do we make money?

Something for nothing is a part of marketing, a way to trap your client into a product, a culture or a brand, to entice them or convince them to buy your related products. Read more...

The music industry has been destroyed by this something for nothing culture, with albums being given away free. It can be argued that this has made the music industry more democratic, enabling individual musicians and artist to compete in the free download market. However, this surge for free content has diluted the industry, the purse is getting empty so artists are not getting paid a fair return for their efforts. It gets worse - websites that delivered free content (and some paid) are now disappearing as the general public now only downloaded the free stuff and not the paid tracks.  With the demise of the 7digital indiestore service shutting down on in September 2010 an avenue for the democratic production of paid for and free downloads by independent artists has closed. There are dozens of  other viable alternatives for free mp3 downloads out there but for how long?

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