Eurozone good for business?

With Britain now on the sidelines and hopefully out of the hideous mess called the Eurozone maybe the UK can look forward to a system that encourages innovation and creativity and removes all the baggage of Brussels' red tape.

Creating a new Europe is an exciting process - an analogy.
The ability to grow an idea into a business can be a simple task but sometimes the brakes are put on by the business' creator. Entrepreneurs sometimes become blind to the obvious, convinced that their vision is the only possible route towards success. The entrepreneur’s inability to seek help and let go of their creation is sometimes the reason why they fail, avoiding or dismissing processes which offer better methods and practices. In other words they do not seek advice or they do not take advice - which may provided them with the tools and techniques that could noticeably improve efficiency or growth and ultimately lead to a faster return on investment and increased profits.

Red tape is excessive regulation or rigid conformity to formal rules that is considered redundant or bureaucratic and hinders or prevents action or decision-making. It is usually applied to governments, corporations and other large organizations.

One definition is the "collection or sequence of forms and procedures required to gain bureaucratic approval for something, especially when oppressively complex and time-consuming". Another definition is the "bureaucratic practice of hair splitting or foot dragging, blamed by its practitioners on the system that forces them to follow prescribed procedures to the letter".

Red tape generally includes the filling out of paperwork, obtaining of licenses, having multiple people or committees approve a decision and various low-level rules that make conducting one's affairs slower, more difficult, or both. Red tape can also include "filing and certification requirements, reporting, investigation, inspection and enforcement practices, and procedures".

Red tape. (2011, November 28). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 08:57, December 10, 2011, from

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High Court to assess Norfolk County Council’s £500m waste incinerator battle
The people of King’s Lynn have taken their battle with Norfolk County Council to the High Court in a judicial review of the proposed £500m incinerator development on the outskirts of their town.
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Alterations to Listed Buildings and VAT
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