A charitable based blog powered by #WordPress ?
Rummaging around in charity and junk shops sometimes reaps great rewards. On my recent hunting expedition I found an Olympus Trip 35, another film camera I was searching for. More and more people are turning to Charity Shops to buy goods. Other people’s castaways are somebody else’s 'can use'. Not only can you purchase usable quality clothing, you can get (slightly) out of date technology - there is nothing wrong with something manufacture in the 1970s, 80s, or 90s. Like antiques and fine art, quality is quality.
The Trip 35 is a 35mm compact camera, manufactured by Olympus. It was introduced in 1967 and discontinued, after a lengthy production run, in 1984. This camera makes use of a selenium photocell to select the shutter speeds and aperture let novices use the camera as a “point & shoot”. The Trip name was a reference to its intended market – people who wanted a compact, functional camera for holidays. During the 1970s it was the subject of an advertising campaign that featured popular British photographer David Bailey. Over ten million units were sold.
Charity begins at home and most start ups begin in the same place...
North Devon Web can help you with setting up a small business website or a charitable based blog powered by WordPress, which will give you a fast and easy route to new and established markets and get your ideas and products into search engines quicker than most platforms.
Contact us for a FREE Start Up or Charity quote
Has blogging become boring and your website gone out of control, then get in touch with us and we can fix it for you. One of the best ways to get into search engines is to use the … Continue reading The Art of Blogging…→
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