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The Pentax P30 35mm camera is perfection?

The search for perfection is always a priority. The nearer you get to perfection the better. This quest is impossible but sometimes asking for help (thus helping yourself) gets you a little closer to your goals.

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Paignton Pier – Pentax Espio 120mi

Paignton Beach - Pentax Espio 120mi

This image of Paignton Pier with taken with an old Pentax Espio 120mi, a point-and-shoot, mid-range, 35mm film camera. The Espio is an autofocus unit with automatic exposure settings and a built in flash unit.

One of the most useful applications available on this model is ‘backlight compensation’ setting, which enables you to take a photograph using natural light in the background and flash in the foreground, giving an even tone across the image. Panorama mode is included in this little package which gives a different aspect ratio from most other cameras.

It is impossible to take a perfect image with this camera but sometimes perfection is not needed - a snapshot or a moment is sometimes more effective.
