Green Business Deal on Web Design #madeinengland #madeindevon #madeinbriton

Is it time your website went on a low carb diet. Your web site could damage the ozone layer – the server you host your site on is using electricity 24 hours a day – if you multiply that by the millions of websites out there then that is a significant amount of pollution. Takes some steps to improve the planet.
Getting your brand noticed can be achieved by using simple Internet techniques. If you want us to give you a quote for managing a small business blog, ‘Green’ web site or are interested in our ‘Green hosting plans please contact us via email.
If you would like us to help with your blog / website ‘tweaking’ please contact us. We specialise in fixing the stuff you cant be bothered to fix.
If you would like us to help with your blog / website ‘tweaking’ please contact us. We specialise in fixing the stuff you cant be bothered to fix.
The Butterfly Effect - We have had over 1 million visits #webservices #blogger
North Devon Web Design and Green Hosting
Contact us for a full package:
- Get your project delivered within a specific time frame.
- Ensure good search engine optimisation is employed.
- Get service from expert and experienced web and graphics designers.
- Reduce your project costs.
- We deliver quality all the time.
- Customised web designs and graphics design at low rates.
- We offer very affordable hosting and design packages.
- Give you the experience of an established team of designers .
- Customer satisfaction is our goal.
We can offer a web design package that can start from as little as £350.00
We can also build you a website if you want us to on your existing server – even if it not powered by renewable resources but remember, having an environmentally-friendly site is a great accomplishment and a great selling point. You will be able to tell your site visitors your site has gone green. Let us build you a low carbon web site.
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