Taunton and Somerset Green Deals
'Promotion, promotion, promotion' is the web owners mantra just like 'Location, location, location' is for Real Estate Agents. If you have ever had the misfortune to sell a property in a market that is on a down turn, 'location' is probably the most vital factor in achieving a sale.
Likewise in a stagnating Internet market 'promotion' is the oxygen that will keep your website alive. North Devon Web belongs to a network of websites that host in a green way. We can offer hosting and promotion deals for businesses based in Taunton and Somerset. North Devon Web is helping to prevent the release of 2,660 metric tons of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere each year by hosting on ‘Green Servers’ – as a result, the network’s energy efficiency is equivalent to planting approximately 2,390 acres of trees, not driving 6.1 million miles, or removing 510 cars from the road.
Competition for traffic on the Internet is fierce and choosing the right marketing strategy is the most important thing for a business to do - choosing the wrong advertising campaign can be costly and even bankrupting. The Internet's end user is now more savvy and random unstructured promotion will stop them clicking....get advice, talk to somebody who has been successful, that way you might stay in business.
Contact North Devon Web for details on how to make your business website more in tune with today’s responsible business (moral and environmental) obligations.
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