Advertise on a green website for charity - #ndevon
Get yourself noticed - place a banner advert on the West Buckland Festival website or twelve months - for as little as £10.00. The money generated by this website will be added to the funds raised by the festival whose purpose is to provide music, art and entertainment for the people of North Devon. Money raised is divided between a Charity or Charities chosen by the Festival Committee and the upkeep of St Peter’s Church, West Buckland.
West Buckland Festival website is powered by 100% wind energy; we are proud that the machines hosting our Web site and e-mail are fully eco-friendly! As energy awareness continues to grow, people are not just looking to make lifestyle adjustments, they want to make environmentally responsible decisions, this site is powered by renewable energy. We are making the effort and helping our clients to be eco-conscious.
West Buckland Festival website is powered by 100% wind energy; we are proud that the machines hosting our Web site and e-mail are fully eco-friendly! As energy awareness continues to grow, people are not just looking to make lifestyle adjustments, they want to make environmentally responsible decisions, this site is powered by renewable energy. We are making the effort and helping our clients to be eco-conscious.
In 2007 that Charity was the East Buckland and West Buckland Village Hall. In 2008 that Charity was the Children’s Hospice – Little Bridge House, Fremington. In 2009 we supported 'Help for Heroes', a Charity formed to help those servicemen and women wounded in conflicts and 2010, Shelter Box who respond instantly to natural and manmade disasters by delivering boxes of aid to those who are most in need. Last year money was raised for the development of a new Chemotherapy and Day Treatment Unit based at North Devon District Hospital. The 2012 festival is supporting North Devon Hospice.
Images for banners are to be no larger than 500 x 60 pixels. See the positioning of our example below. If you don't have a banner, we can make you one.
If you are interested in placing a banner please contact us
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