Free online obituary

Place A Free Memorial   - We know that many people in the UK and throughout the world could benefit from our on-line obituary notice service and by being able to express their feelings for their loved ones using our memorial tribute facility. We want as many people as possible to be made aware of our service - and to have the opportunity to place their thoughts on the web site. … Continue reading
Amy Wilkes 1898 – 1948
We remember our mother as a very quiet lady, whose life was a constant struggle. She always tried, when times were hard, to do the best for her three children. During the Second World War, food became scarce and rationing was implemented, she still managed to keep us all going. We use to work on the land, picking peas, potatoes, and sometimes fruit. This extra effort, and money, made a difference to our lives.

The photograph left is of Amy as a young girl with her Grandmother and brother Arthur. In 1943 our younger sister, Rita, was taken ill and died.

This was the beginning of the end for Amy, she gave up. Due to a broken heart and eventual ill health she died prematurely at the age of 51. Her surviving children were Dennis, who was 22 at the time and Audrey, who was 19. Read more…

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